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Traditional Chinese medicine through to wet water making, invigorating spleen, promoting blood circulation to do gas and other methods, help regulate visceral and endocrine, make body blood running better, can be in excess moisture inside, and the accumulation in metabolic waste and toxins elimination, accelerate metabolism. However, traditional Chinese medicine is also medicine; Medicinal herbs and taboos; after all, Pills won’t because contain Chinese medicine is 100% safe meizitang botanical slimming strong version .

As the Chinese herbal medicine, cultivate one’s morality meizitang botanical slimming strong version body can be roughly divided into four types according to their efficacy:
The water permeability wet medicine with convergence, quite early pounds of certain minus, especially for edema type for obese people. But long use can interfere with the normal operation, the injury meizitang botanical slimming strong version spleen kidney damage Yin, the loss outweights the gain.

Laxatives more dangerous, the short time by taking or pork stomach, but minus the purge of a long time, can lose elasticity, intestines, and then don’t understand their operation, seriously hamper future row function, nutrition absorption and decomposition.

Par longjing le vendredi 05 août 2011


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