Breakfast Menu For Weight Loss lm

Breakfast menu for 7 days to lose weight:

having more obvious effect with meizitang botanical slimming pill, which should be taken 30 minutes after breakfast.

1, whole wheat bread
Breakfast bowl of milk, two slices of whole wheat bread, eggs,
2, red bean rice gruel
Breakfast bowl of red bean rice gruel, refreshing piece of cake (cucumber, carrots, celery with spiced boiled peanuts), Longan, or jujube 1
3, pumpkin porridge
Breakfast Pumpkin wolfberry rice gruel, boiled eggs, assorted pickles
4 cup milk
Breakfast cup of milk, eggs, pancakes (not the middle of the crackers) 1
5, corn ambiguous
Breakfast corn gooey bowl of dates, a vegetarian dumplings
6, milk, oatmeal
Breakfast bowl of oatmeal milk, 1 tablespoon dried meat floss, dried longan 5
7, black sesame red bean porridge
Breakfast bowl of black sesame red bean porridge, eggs, a tea, meizitang botanical slimming pill, cold radish pickles

Par longjing le vendredi 05 août 2011


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