It sounds incredible but according to a scientific research, having a cold is one reason for your gaining weight. In the magazine about the development of the research on food and nutrition, an experiment was done by scientists. They injected a virus that will lead to respiratory tract inflection. After a period of time, they weighed forth times the weight of healthy mice. The scientists conjectured that this virus will increase the fat cells of the body. In a worse condition, it will make you gain 40 pounds of weight.
If you find that you have gained weight because of the pills you have taken, you can talk with your pharmacist and maybe he can change the pills for you. But, before the pharmacist give you the new pills, you should not stop taking the botanical slimming pills arbitrarily. According to a research in 2004, it shows that 5% of the patients refuse to take any pills that will make them fat. This kind of behavior is not rational and should be avoided. Though obesity will lead to many health problems, one can not refuse to take pills, because these pills will do good to cure their diseases. If they do have overweight problem, they can turn to some natural weight loss products, like meizitang strong version, for help. But for those who have high blood pressure, diabetes, should not take any pills. They can drink some tea, which is also useful in losing weight.
The way to cope with this is to vaccinate in order to avoid gaining weight during having a cold. A kind of vaccinate has been developed but has not been put into clinical trails. Before the safety of this vaccinate is proven, what you can do is to wash your hands more often, because the virus will spread by direct contact.
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